How to Answer Tricky Interview Questions

How to Answer Tricky Interview Questions

Interviews can be stressful, especially when you're faced with tricky interview questions. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can answer even the most challenging questions with confidence and ease.
In this guide, we'll provide you with tips and examples on how to handle tricky interview questions. We'll show you how to answer these questions in a way that showcases your skills, experiences, and professionalism. By following these guidelines, you'll be better equipped to succeed in your next interview and land your dream job.

"Tell me about a time when you failed."

Talking about a negative experience can be challenging, especially in an interview where you want to present yourself in the best light possible. However, it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and has failures at some point in their career. The key is to show the interviewer that you are self-aware, reflective, and able to learn from your mistakes.
When answering a question about failure, it's important to be honest and transparent. Don't try to downplay or deflect the question, as this can come across as insincere or evasive. Instead, acknowledge the mistake or failure and take responsibility for it. Explain what happened, why it happened, and what you learned from the experience.
For example, if you failed to meet a deadline on a project, you might explain that you underestimated the amount of time needed to complete the task. You could then talk about how you took steps to address the issue, such as breaking the project down into smaller tasks or seeking help from a coworker. Finally, you could talk about what you learned from experience, such as the importance of time management, setting realistic expectations, and seeking help when needed.
When discussing your failure, try to focus on the positive aspects of the experience. Talk about how failure helped you grow and develop as a professional. Show the interviewer that you are willing to take responsibility for your mistakes and that you are committed to continuous improvement.

"What is your greatest weakness?"

Admitting to a weakness may seem counterintuitive when you're trying to impress a potential employer in an interview. However, interviewers often ask this question to gauge your self-awareness and honesty, as well as your ability to identify areas for growth and improvement.
When answering the "What is your greatest weakness?" question, it's important to be honest and self-aware. Don't try to dodge the question or provide a "false" weakness that can be perceived as a strength. Instead, choose a genuine weakness that you have identified and are actively working to improve.
When selecting a weakness, it's important to choose one that is not critical to the job you're applying for. For example, if you're applying for a job that requires strong organizational skills, you wouldn't want to say that you struggle with time management. Instead, you could choose a weakness that is not directly related to the job but still relevant to your professional development.
After identifying your weakness, it's important to show the interviewer how you are actively working to improve in that area. This could involve taking courses, joining a professional organization, seeking feedback from coworkers or supervisors, or practicing on your own time.
For example, if your weakness is public speaking, you could talk about how you've taken courses or joined a public speaking club to improve your skills. You could also discuss how you've sought out opportunities to practice your public speaking skills, such as volunteering to give presentations or leading meetings.


"Why should we hire you over other candidates?"


This is a common question during job interviews and it can be challenging to answer because it requires you to sell yourself and differentiate yourself from other candidates. However, it's also an opportunity to showcase your unique skills, experiences, and qualities that make you the best fit for the job.
To answer this question, it's important to research the job requirements and the company's values and objectives, so you can tailor your response to the specific role and organization. Then, focus on your own background, skills, and experiences that make you a great fit for the job.
When highlighting your skills, it's important to be specific and provide examples that illustrate your points. For instance, if the job requires excellent problem-solving skills, you could describe a time when you faced a difficult challenge and how you approached it. Be sure to explain the steps you took and the outcome you achieved.
In addition to highlighting your skills and experiences, you should also show the interviewer how you can add value to the company. This involves understanding the company's needs and demonstrating how your skills and experiences can help the organization achieve its goals.
For example, if the company is looking to expand into new markets, you could discuss how your experience working with diverse cultures and languages can help the company succeed in its expansion efforts.

"Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a coworker or manager."

This question requires you to talk about a potentially negative situation. However, the interviewer is asking this question to assess your ability to handle conflicts professionally and effectively.
When answering this question, it's important to focus on the positive aspects of the situation and how you were able to handle the conflict in a constructive way. Begin by describing the situation and the nature of the conflict, but avoid placing blame or speaking negatively about the other person involved.
Next, explain how you handled the situation professionally and respectfully. Describe the steps you took to address the conflict, such as scheduling a meeting with the other person to discuss the issue or seeking the guidance of a supervisor or HR representative. Emphasize how you communicated effectively and worked to find common ground with the other person, even if you had differing opinions or perspectives.
It's important to demonstrate to the interviewer that you are able to handle conflicts in a mature and professional manner. Avoid being defensive or confrontational, and focus on finding a solution that benefits everyone involved. Show that you are able to stay calm and composed even in challenging situations, and that you are committed to maintaining positive relationships with your coworkers and managers.

"What is your greatest accomplishment?"


This requires you to talk about your achievements without coming across as arrogant or boastful. However, it's also an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and potential to the interviewer.
When answering this question, it's important to focus on a specific accomplishment that is relevant to the job you are applying for. Choose an achievement that demonstrates your skills and experience in a way that aligns with the requirements of the role. For instance, if the job requires strong leadership skills, you could talk about a time when you successfully led a team to achieve a challenging goal.
When describing your accomplishment, it's important to give context and explain the challenges you faced. This helps the interviewer understand the significance of your achievement and shows that you are able to overcome obstacles. Be specific about the actions you took to overcome these challenges and the results that you achieved.
It's also important to give credit to your team members or coworkers who helped you achieve your goal. This shows that you are a team player and that you recognize the importance of collaboration and support in achieving success. Explain the role that others played in your accomplishment and how their contributions were critical to the overall success of the project.
To avoid coming across as boastful, it's important to focus on the details of your accomplishment and the actions you took to achieve success. Avoid generalizations or overly broad statements about your achievements. Instead, use specific examples and data to illustrate your success.